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Navigating the Blue Ocean

Interviews with maritime innovators Chye Poh Chua & Mare Straetmans

In recent video podcasts with ShipsFocus CEO Chye Poh Chua & Platform Zero’s co-founder Mare Straetmans, we explored innovation and how maritime companies can navigate the “blue ocean”.

Understanding the Blue Ocean in Maritime

The blue ocean strategy, developed by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne, emphasizes creating new market space and making the competition irrelevant. Unlike the “red ocean” of existing industries where competition is fierce, the blue ocean encourages businesses to innovate and carve out new paths, often by rethinking existing norms and breaking away from traditional practices.

In the context of maritime, this means exploring new technologies, business models, and market segments that have yet to be fully tapped. It’s about identifying gaps in the market, understanding unmet needs, and developing solutions that set companies apart from their competitors.

Innovation as a Driver of Maritime Transformation

The maritime sector has traditionally been slow to innovate, but the tides are turning. Platforms like Platform Zero, co-founded by Mare Straetmans, are helping bridge the gap between climate tech startups and the broader industry. According to Straetmans, “We started Platform Zero mainly because we saw a big challenge in scaling climate tech. There are a lot of startups and scale-ups in our sector, and we think that scaling climate tech is one of the smartest ways of addressing our climate challenges.”

Digital transformation is another critical aspect of navigating the blue ocean. From AI-driven predictive analytics to blockchain-based transparency in logistics, new technologies are reshaping how maritime businesses operate. These innovations not only improve efficiency but also offer a competitive edge in an increasingly digital world.

The maritime ecosystem needs to look beyond traditional methods and actively embrace sustainable tech solutions. This is not just about reducing emissions; it’s about reshaping the entire value chain for a greener future.

Mare Straetmans

Co-founder of Platform Zero

A Sustainable and Digital Maritime Future

Navigating the blue ocean is not just about exploring new markets; it’s about redefining the industry’s future. The maritime sector must become more sustainable, adaptive, and digitally connected to thrive in the years to come. By embracing a blue ocean approach, companies can position themselves at the forefront of this transformation.

Mare Straetmans emphasized this need for forward momentum: “The maritime ecosystem needs to look beyond traditional methods and actively embrace sustainable tech solutions. This is not just about reducing emissions; it’s about reshaping the entire value chain for a greener future.”

Chye Poh echoed similar sentiments, stating, “To truly innovate, maritime companies must be willing to operate outside their comfort zones. It’s not just about technology but about rethinking how we approach problems and create value.”

The blue ocean offers a strategic pathway for maritime companies to not only survive but also lead in a rapidly evolving global market. By charting new courses and embracing innovative solutions, the industry can unlock new value, enhance sustainability, and ensure its relevance in the decades ahead.

Hear more from Teqplay’s maritime experts and industry thought leaders in our video podcast here.
