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RiverGuide Moerdijk – Notices to Port Authorities

Together with the Port of Moerdijk started a pilot for the inland vessels to facilitate barge skippers in digitally informing port authority on their visit and activities in the port. The pilot is part of the RiverGuide collaboration between the several port and waterway authorities, i.e. the Port of Moerdijk, Port of Rotterdam, Port of Amsterdam, Rijkswaterstaat, Groningen Sea Port, North Sea Port and the Provinces of Zuid-Holland, Noord-Holland and Overijssel. In the RiverGuide app we developed a registration module that allows the skippers to:

  • Report on port stay and expected time of arrival;
  • Report on taking bunkers;
  • Notify on repairs and ship-related maintenance activities;
  • Notify on using anchors.

Additionally relevant information on the specific port is also directly available in the app, based on the current location. The same information needs to be reported over and over again at the various ports. The static information is stored in the personal and ship profile, which is directly available in RiverGuide. RiverGuide will inform the port authority on behalf of the skipper. By using RiverGuide the skipper only needs to enter limited additional information for this specific port stay.

The first step is the pilot in Moerdijk, but the roll-out to additional ports is foreseen in the near future.
