Starting a new job in Corona times is quite a challenge! Although, business continues and that also means we need more hands on deck! Meet Christina and Colin, our newest team members. Find out about their jobs, expectations and what it’s like to start a new job without physical meeting your colleagues.
Christina is our new office manager. “I manage the comings and goings in the office, make sure the administration is on point and up to date. Most important for me is the well-being of the entire team and take care of them the best I can”, she says. Christina applied for this job, because she instantly felt her personality and Teqplay are a match. “I read the vacancy and was like, hey, that’s me!”, Christina laughs. She worked for only two days at the office when the Netherlands went into an intelligent lockdown. “It was such a unreal start and I was concerned how to do my job from home properly. An office manager without an office?! But I just started and with the help of the awesome team, we managed it! I love how the team is so energetic, enthusiastic and open.” It’s crystal clear we have an office manager that’s motivated to the core and passionate about her new job! Talking about the future, Christina has big plans. “I hope to grow along with Teqplay the coming years. Also I’d like to extend my skills towards HR-management”, she explains.

Our newest front-end developer Colin started his job at Teqplay only a few weeks ago. He applied, because he thinks the job challenges him and he sees lots of opportunities to extend his professional knowledge. “In the future I’d like to become a full stack developer”, he says.
Asking how he feels about starting this job in the middle of a pandemic, he explains he’s used to working remotely from home. “I’ve worked as a freelancer before. However, this job is different and so far I have only met a few of my colleagues in real life”, he says. Since Teqplay moved to the new large office in the Van Nelle Fabriek, there’s enough space to work in the office and keep the required 1,5m distance from one another. “I’m happy I can work a few days per week at the office, so I can get to know the organization.”
All team members have the choice to work from home or come to the office a couple days a week. “We haven’t met everybody in real life yet”, they say, but both Christina and Colin are looking forward to the day the entire team is reunited at the office. And so do we!