Remember Berend and Joost? Two interns who started at Teqplay last September. A journey it has been! Both finished their internship successful last week and there’s more exciting news to share.
Berend and Joost are both students at Hogeschool Rotterdam and worked together on the same challenge. “We focused on one significant problem”, Joost explains. “There is no such thing as one way how users indicate a specific port in their AIS-destination. The result is that many different varieties of a port name exist in spelling or abbrevation, like RDAM, Rotterdam, RTM etc …” Berend and Joost developed technology that finds out which port the destination is, regardless of whatever captains have entered. “We call it PortMatcher”, Berend and Joost explain. In the process of creating this application, Berend and Joost divided the tasks. “While Joost was involved in the back-end part of the process, algorithms and such, I worked on the front-end side, databases, AWS and circleCI”, says Berend.

When asked how they experienced their internship, Joost responds: “I’d say informative and fun. From day one I felt part of the team and I’ve learned so much! I know how to fit in and communicate with the team, my English has improved and know how to coordinate tasks and keep focus.” Berend agrees, but he also would add ‘always challenging’. “I was challenged the entire time and it felt good to overcome each and every one of them. I’m most proud of creating a technology that is part of the Teqplay platform and internal application like OnTheMap. It provides valuable and extensive information about vessels and their voyages”.
“We would like to thank Shravan for his great help. He gave us the best advice and was always very patient in answering our questions. We’re grateful we got the opportunity to have an inspiring internship with such great results!”, Berend and Joost say. They’re not just talking about the application itself, but also indicating the jobs they got offered. “We will work part-time at Teqplay and continue working on our application and other projects next to school”, Joost explains.

Congratulations to Berend and Joost for completing their internship successfully and we’re happy they continue their journey at Teqplay as developers from February 1st!