They’re both young and ambitious! Wouter just finished his education and Chandenie is working at our company and in the middle of a part time education. Time to learn more about Chandenie and Wouter, the newest members of the Teqplay Team!

Wouter Naloop is an old acquaintance at Teqplay. “I just graduated the education of Computer Science and a few years ago I chose to my internship at Teqplay. I loved the vibe and had a great time, so I decided to apply for a job after my graduation”. And here he is! Wouter started working as a backend developer a few weeks ago. “It were challenging but awesome first weeks. There are so many processes to get familiar with and so many maritime terms and a lot of data I have to get used to. I think it might take a while to understand everything, but I’m eager to learn it all!”
Someone who’s also keen to learn all necessary skills for her new job, is Chandenie Awadhpersad. It’s fair to say she’s a busy bee. Working as our office manager four days a week, working as a receptionist in the weekends and the one day of the week that’s left, you can find her at the university where’s she’s studying Business Administration. “I’m very inquisitive and during the interview I already knew this job would contribute to my professional development and will challenge me!” Chandenie has just started her job, so she can’t tell much about her tasks yet. “Every day and week I get new duties and that’s one of the pro’s on this job for me; the variety of activities”, she says.
Chandenie is full of ambitions. “I want to develop myself so I can make a positive contribution to the future growth of Teqplay. In addition, I want to finish my education and hope this will add value in doing the job as Teqplay’s office manager the best I can.”
Wouter says he’s more a “take it day by day”-kind of guy. “I’m not a person who sets goals for many years ahead. However, I do want to improve my programming skills and I’d like to grow as a person by working in a team and with co-workers”, Wouter says.
Besides being young and ambitious, Chandenie and Wouter have something else in common. In their spare time they both like to play board games. “Or games in general”, adds Wouter. Besides cooking, Chandenie also loves to travel and explore new places.
There’s one last thing we have to mention. Wouter is an enthusiastic rugby player at the Rotterdam Rugby club for students. Unfortunately this hasn’t helped him in our table foosball competition yet. “I really have to train a lot more, because it hasn’t been a success so far!”