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Read our latest insights on waste, collaboration, technology and more in the maritime industry.

Pilot on Board: Safe and Smooth Port Calling

On the Teqplay Vodcast, we invited Elco Oskam, Manager Operations at Rotterdam-Rijnmond pilot services. Our discussion explored the role of pilots in port operations, their challenges they face, and the impact of digitalization and sustainability,

Measuring Performance in Ports and Why It Matters

Measuring Performance in Ports and Why It Matters In the world of maritime logistics, efficiency is key. Without accurate measurement of performance, ports risk investing time, money, and resources into initiatives that may not deliver the intended improvements. Measuring port performance is not just about tracking numbers—it is about ensuring

Exposing hidden costs in port calls at Tangier

We often talk about inefficiencies in port calls, but what does that really look like? And how can we improve? In Teqplay's latest research, we dived deep into the case of the Port of Tangier, where we uncovered some significant findings on unproductive waiting time in port.

Learn how to expose and eliminate waste and risks in your operations.
